Customer Comments


Bar None

You have the best diet program on the Internet, bar none. For health care it has no rival; it's worth every penny!

Best $50*

DietPower is the best 50 bucks* I ever spent!
—Chris Gibbins

Beats $200 System

DietPower is better than the system I bought for 200 bucks a few years ago.
—Dan Schooley

Wows Chef

I have been a chef for 20 years and have used several very expensive nutritional software packages. DietPower is the best. Wow! Great tips. Simple format. And for creating and editing recipes, I have found nothing that it cannot do.
—Ron Schickel


You pay a LOT more for other diet plans, such as Weight Watchers, LA Weight Loss and all those diet pills that don't work anyway. DietPower is a bargain!
—Irene Lepley

Worth Every Cent

I have lost 20 pounds by using DietPower. The software was worth every cent.
—Joyce Bess


At $49.99*, this is a deal!
—Deb French
Editor's note: DietPower is now free.


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