Customer Comments


What a Difference!

In 2002, after gaining 50+ pounds from my first pregnancy, I was determined to get in shape for the first time in my life. I purchased DietPower and committed to exercise. It was a great success! I lost all the pregnancy weight plus an extra 30 pounds, and began running and cycling five or six times per week. I also learned loads about nutrition and healthy eating.

Three years later, I decided to have another child. Now pregnant, I have continued to use DietPower to GAIN weight for my new little darling. I am in the third trimester and my weight gain is right on target. I have continued to run and cycle daily. Thanks to your great product, this time I feel WONDERFUL. What a difference!
—Kristi Linton

DietPower Baby

Lineweber Baby After losing 40 pounds with your program helping me, I finally got pregnant. We had been trying for 18 years. (My husband lost weight, too—50 pounds.) The result, shown here, was beautiful 7.1-pound Kelly Dale Lineweber. Thank you for your help!
—Kristen Lineweber, Livermore, Calif.


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