New Lifestyle
I am 62 and have always considered myself really healthy—great cholesterol, good HDL, low triglycerides, excellent blood pressure, only 10 to 15 pounds overweight, worked out with weights and rode a stationary bike every other day.
But a few months ago, I experienced chest pain while skiing. I failed a stress test and was told I had at least two serious blockages. After putting in two stents, doctors told me to change my diet or plan on coming back often—assuming I didn't die on my way to a hospital.
I took the advice seriously. I armed myself with DietPower and 10 new books on nutrition.
I had been on the Atkins Diet for years, eating lots of red meat, eggs, and bacon. The American Heart Association and my cardiologist suggested I might as well point a gun at my head and pull the trigger. So I started eating fish, chicken, vegetables, and fruit. I eat a pound of fresh fruit every day.
I also reduced my Body Mass Index from 25 to 22 in less than 45 days, by switching to whole-grain bread and making soups from scratch using fresh vegetables, beans, and legumes. My wife and I have totally given up red meat. As a man who ate steak filets three times a week for 50 years, I can assure you, that is a lifestyle change.
I would never have achieved any of this without your software. DietPower made learning to eat right very easy. For all I know, it saved my life. And if nothing else, it's helping me lose that little potbelly that I've hated for these past six years. Thank you for creating a program that makes it easy to watch what I eat.
—Jon Tate