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Screen Shots

Clicking any picture in this tour will open DietPower's help topic for that screen, where you can see all of its features.

21. Personal Daily Allowance Editor

Click to open the Personal Daily Allowance Editor's help topic.
DietPower starts you off with standard allowances—but if you want to change your intake of a major nutrient, you can do it with these colored slider bars. You can also revise other nutrients by typing new figures over the old. (Open this feature's help topic.)

22. Calculator

Click to open the Calculator's help topic.
You can open the Windows calculator by clicking a button on almost any dialog. (Open this feature's help topic.)

23. Help System

Click to open Diet Power's help system.
DietPower's Help system offers 100,000 words (the length of a novel) on hundreds of topics, from Alcohol to Zinc. It's one of the world's easiest to read and understand. And you don't have to search it interminably—most topics are linked directly to the screen where they're needed. (Open DietPower's help system.)

24. Nutrition News

Click to open Diet Power's weekly news page.
Click this button on your Home Screen— Click to visit DietPower's weekly nutrition news page. —to reach DietPower's weekly fitness, nutrition, and product news. (You also get daily news in your Food Log.) (Open DietPower's weekly news page.)

25. DietPower Health Shop

Click to visit DietPower's Health Shop.
Use this one— Click to visit DietPower's Health Shop. —to visit our online Health Shop, where you can buy the latest version of DietPower, a Spare Key for another computer in your household, and other items. (Visit DietPower's Health Shop.)
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