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How Does He Do It?

The Bowflex Man's
Other Secret

age 50     

By Terry Dunkle, DietPower CEO

Michael Polinko, of Waynesboro, Va., is
a quality-assurance director for the Neuman
company, a manufacturer of metal
slugs that are stamped  into beer cans, lipstick
tubes, and similarly shaped components of your

everyday world. By night, he plays bass in the rock

band Torque. But he's won fame in other ways, too.


At work one day nine years ago, Polinko felt a pain in his

chest. "The safety guy took my blood pressure: 160/127,"
Polinko told me by email. "They sat me down for an hour.

It didn't help, so I got an ambulance ride. After an EKG and a
family history (my parents both died of heart problems
age 70), the doctor gave it to me straight. He said I
had three options: 1) lose weight and get in shape with good
nutrition and exercise, 2) start taking tons of medication, or 3)
don't make any changes, but expect a serious stroke or heart
attack before I hit 45."                                                                     

Photo: Kevin Blackburn Photography

Believing that his body might be as malleable as those aluminum slugs, Polinko armed himself with three secret weapons. One was a Bowflex home exercise machine—the kind you've seen on TV.  It worked so well that a few years later he found himself in a Bowflex commercial declaring, "I'm Michael Polinko. I'm forty-nine, and this is a real Bowflex body!  Thanks to proper nutrition, exercise, and resistance training, I'm in the best shape of my life!." And indeed he was: He had trimmed his weight by 35 pounds and his blood pressure to normal levels with a resting pulse of 55.

Bowflex wasn't Polinko's only secret, however. The email that he sent me revealed two others: "I've been using DietPower for years," it said, "and I use Body Tracker, too. Together, these tools have not only helped me get in shape, but stay there." He keeps copies of both programs on display in his exercise room and proudly demonstrates them to visitors. He calls DietPower "my nutrition plan for life."

Today Polinko has passed age 50, but except for his balding pate, he doesn't
look a day over 40. This isn't just a quirk of nature: Recent scientific studies
(reported in DietPower's daily health news) have shown that even men in
their seventies can get ripped if they practice, as Polinko puts it, "proper
nutrition, exercise, and resistance training."

Women,  too,  can  make  their  bodies  leaner,  lither,  and lovelier—
as Michael's wife, Angela, has proven by adopting the same habits
that changed her husband's life. Energized by her fitness regimen,
the 39-year-old horticulturist quit her job in a garden center and went
back to school to pursue her dream: becoming an educator. Today
she teaches high-school mathematics—and loves it.

If Michael and Angela can do it, so can you and I. Let's get started! (To download a free trial of DietPower right now, click here.)

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