Click the links or thumbnail images to take a picture tour of our weight and nutrition software.
1. | The Home Screen appears each time you start up DietPower. Buttons across the top are your gateway to all of the program's features. | |
2. | The Personal Information Form enrolls you in DietPower by asking you to provide facts about yourself.. | |
3. | The Ideal-Weight Calculator computes your Body Mass Index and tells whether it's a health risk. | |
4. | The Goal Setter lets you choose your target date and goal weight, and computes your calorie budget. | |
5. | The Diet Description tells how difficult your diet will be, based on the number of calories per day that you'll need to forgo. | |
6. | The Food Log is where you record your meals, watch your calories and nutrients, and get advice from your Real-Time Eating Coach™. | |
7. | The Create-a-Food Dialog lets you add items to DietPower's 21,000-entry Food Dictionary by entering information from food labels. | |
8. | The Recipe Box lets you create and analyze recipes by combining items from the Food Dictionary. | |
9. | A Recipe Printout is one way to share recipes with friends. Recipes can also be emailed. | |
10. | The Dictionary Abridger lets you include or exclude food sets from the Dictionary. | |
11. | The Exercise Log awards you extra calories for performing more than 1000 physical activities. | |
12. | The Body History graphs your weight, calorie intake, or any other variable that you choose. | |
13. | The Home Screen Chooser lets you pick the graph you'd like to display on your Home Screen. You can select any of 34 standard graphs or create up to six custom graphs. | |
14. | Food for Thought delivers tips and inspiration each time you you log on. | |
15. | The Nutrient History (Table View) reports your intake of 33 nutrients for the past day, week, month, quarter, and year. | |
16. | The Nutrient History (Bar Chart) charts your intake of 33 nutrients for the past day, week, month, quarter, and year | |
17. | The Food Coach tells which foods to eat or avoid in order to correct nutrient deficiencies or surpluses. | |
18. | The WaterMinder™ alerts you if you aren't drinking enough water to keep pace with your calorie intake. | |
19. | The Calendar lets you log meals, workouts, and body weights on different dates or keep a weight-loss diary. | |
20. | The Diet History summarizes all of your calorie data since you enrolled in DietPower. | |
21. | The Personal Daily Allowance Editor lets you change your daily allowance of any nutrient, so that your graphs reflect the new allowance instead of the old. | |
22. | The Calculator is always available (via a button on the Home Screen) if you need to do arithmetic on the side. | |
23. | The Help System not only shows you how to use DietPower, but delivers information on 33 nutrients and more than 100 nutrition-related diseases. It is fully indexed and searchable. | |
24. | DietPower's Nutrition News appears daily in your Food Log. |