DANBURY, Conn. (October 23, 2002)—DietPower, Inc., today released a free upgrade of its popular weight-loss and nutrition software that incorporates the new Recommended Dietary Allowances announced last month by the U.S. Food and Nutrition Board (FNB).
"DietPower 3.3 equips every user with the latest thinking on nutrient intake," said Terry Dunkle, DietPower founder and CEO. "It's also easier to learn and use, because of other features we've added."
The latest release incorporates new Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for carbohydrates, fats, protein, and fiber announced by the FNB on September 5. These include a healthy range for fat intake, a recommendation that no more than 25 percent of one's calories come from added sugars, and the first-ever RDA for fiber.
Besides the new RDAs, DietPower now includes an eight-minute animated tutorial showing how to log one's meals each day. The tutorial is viewable either in the software itself or on www.dietpower.com.
In addition, the company has introduced a color-coded "Smart Search" that remembers each user's favorite foods, making the logging of meals much faster. Tests show that with minimal experience, users can log everything they eat in less than five minutes a day.
The new version also has 29 new chapters in its Help system, covering the latest research on links between nutrition and heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and other maladies.
DietPower 3.3 is free to customers who have already bought Version 3.0, released last May. Owners of earlier versions can upgrade for $19.99. New buyers pay $49.99*.
A free 15-day trial of the the latest version of DietPower is available on a CD-ROM or by downloading from www.dietpower.com, where users can also order a $49.99* "unlock code" that makes the program work permanently. For further information, company contacts are at www.dietpower.com/contact_us.php.